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Nos Évangiles selon Jean et autre ressources imprimées

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Tous les Évangiles de poche incluent le livre complet de l'Évangile selon Jean, ainsi que de l'information sur comment avoir une relation personnelle avec Jésus-Christ.

Desert Camo (ESV)

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Nous ré-imprimons les produits régulièrement; revenez vérifier plus tard.

Évangile Spécifications:


Dimensions (fermé):
3.75" W x 5.25" H

Dimensions (ouvert):
7.5" W x 5.25" H


English Standard Version

Cet article est actuellement en rupture de stock.

Nous ré-imprimons les produits régulièrement; revenez vérifier plus tard.

Évangile Spécifications:


Dimensions (fermé):
3.75" W x 5.25" H

Dimensions (ouvert):
7.5" W x 5.25" H


English Standard Version

À propos de ceci Évangile:

The Gospel of John, with a cover perfectly suited for military use. Printed in a matte finish (most of our Gospel covers have a shiny finish) so that it doesn't risk creating a reflection in sunlight. Features modern graphic design throughout with oversized chapter numbers to enhance readability.

There is no text on the front cover. Logos on the back cover and response flap are reproduced in black rather than our normal red color, because we didn't want to risk using a bright color that might put a soldier in harm's way. A wrap-around cover in authentic desert camo pattern. Shown are the front and back cover spread.

Like all our Gospels of John, the booklet includes a plan of Salvation and a decision page. A QR code on the back provides a quick link to learn more about God.

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Share this Gospel with the courageous men and women serving in any branch of the military. This Gospel can provide peace in the midst of turbulence and uncertainty.

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